domingo, 28 de enero de 2007

Serj tankian Quotes

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“Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive.”

“Forgivness is The ultimate sacrifice.
Eloquence belongs, To the conqueror.”

““As a kid, you see something that you know in your heart is true. It’s such a huge hypocrisy that it makes you think, ‘Well, if this is a truth that I know about that’s not officially accepted, at least in this country, then how many other truths are there that are under the surface that need to come out?’””

“We fought your wars with all our hearts
You've sent us back in body parts
You took our wills with the truth you stole
We offer prayers for your long lost soul”

“I like the dynamics of life, ... I like it when it rains, and suddenly the sun comes out, and I like it when it's really silent and then a loud booming noise comes through. Or vice-versa.”

“I've had people come up to me with the strangest interpretations of what lyrics might mean, and I'm like, 'You go! I never thought of that, but that works,' ... I think true art is a universal reflection, and true artists are just messengers of that reflection - or, at best, skilled presenters.”

“People think our music's very aggressive or angry or whatever, and it's just the opposite, really, ... I like laughing. And I like being really calm before a show, and smiley.”

“Civilization is a failure. We need to think what we can do together in love and peace.”

“It's all in his hands, he's the man,”

“I’d rather let the music speak for itself,”

“Society's a fucking failure.”

“I'm not comfortable with just entertaining. Although I like entertaining, I also like bringing forward the truth of our times as minstrels used to in the old days.”

“Why don't presidents fight the war?/ Why do they always send the poor? ... B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs).”

“That's been a strength in some ways, but it's also an understanding of the dynamics of music and the different beats and melodies that wouldn't be common to a non-Armenian.”
“I could definitely use a little time at home. It's been about two months on the road. The tour has gone really well, but I wouldn't mind coming home to relax for a little while.”

“The packaging is designed so that when people buy the second record, they can attach it to the first, making it a double record,”

“By allowing this vote, and allowing the will of Congress to be freely expressed, you will be doing the right thing morally and, at the same time, encouraging Turkey to deal honestly with its past and more openly with its future,”

“Nations are like people. Once you understand the interactions between nations, it's easy to understand why things are done, in terms of foreign policy, in a certain way. But nations are not like people in the sense that we are cumulatively represented by others - and their interpretations of what our interests are may not be the same as what they really are. And that's what's dangerous, even in a democracy.”

“those that have prescribed the solution through the good feeling of the music itself, like the Beatles and Bob Marley and Bob Dylan.”

“There's a commonality there, a common denominator culturally,”

“Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.”
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“The percentage of Americans in the prison system, Prison system, has doubled since 1985”

“This will be our first live video per se, ... We've had videos where we've had fans and we played live, but it's never been at a venue that we would actually play.”

“This track's pretty mellow in comparison to let's say a 'B.Y.O.B.' or something like that, ... But I'm glad we're going out with this track. It's a beautiful song.”

“It's got the whole melodic thing still, but it's little more progressive, a little more emotion here and there, ... But they both come from the same sessions.”

“It's probably a combination of personal and non-personal matters that have led us to where we are musically,”

“I don't find most people to be as politically engaged as I am. I do find people that appreciate eye-opening events and words, and who want to learn more about what's going on. I do find people with a lot of opinions. And I get a lot of people who come up to me and give us props for what we do.”

“It's important for all people, and not just people in bands, to speak out on social justice issues. That means journalists or plumbers have just as much of a responsibility to do that as artists.”

“Cause we are the ones that want to play,
always want to go,
but you never want to stay.

And we are the ones that want to choose,
always want to play,
but you never want to lose.”

“Making two possibilities a reality. Predicting the future of things we all know. Fighting off the diseased programming Of centuries, centuries, centuries, centuries. Science fails to recognise the single most Potent element of human existence. Letting the reigns go to the unfoldings faith, Science has failed our world. Science has failed our mother earth.”
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“We want to encourage him to do the right thing and bring it to the floor for a vote, ... (Hastert) has had the opportunity to do it twice before and has not for different reasons. It's been five years and everyone is tired of waiting.”

“They're great songwriters in the tradition of the Beatles and Pink Floyd. Their songs are beautiful and filled with all sorts of wonderful textures. It's all very emotional and moving. It's the first outside project I've ever produced.”
“We thought it would make a stronger impact to come here with the resolutions going through the House [of Representatives], you know and try to, try to let Dennis know that we're still here and we want him to do the right thing and bring up the vote in Congress on the Armenian genocide resolution.”

“Praise the Lord! Pass the ammunition! God wants you to go to war!
(From live performance of 'War?')”

“It was kind of luck or destiny that it ended up this way,”

“We first fought the heathens in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.”

"Mis palabras se me escapan como yo escapo de ellas..."
>Serj Tankian.

"Quiero ser recordado, no más y no menos q' como a un arbol al lado del camino."
>Serj Tankian.

"La mano tiene 5 dedos, poderosos y capaces crear o de destruir..."
>Serj Tankian.

"Todo lo q' hago es parte de mi, pero nada de lo q' hago es todo mío..."
>Serj Tankian.

"Yo no leo entrevistas, no escucho radio y no veo televisión...
No tengo tiempo."
>Serj Tankian.

"La defensa propia es perfectamente justa.
Todos creemos q' empezar una pelea está mal, pero si es en defensa propia, entonces no tienes otra opción.
La defensa propia es la única razón q' puedo ver para violencia justificada.
pero es más importante q' la gente aprenda q' la violencia no es la respuesta.
Atacar a alguien no lleva nada a cabo. sólo significa q' eres demasiado estúpido, ignorante o primitivo como para enfrentarlo de cualquier otra forma."
>Serj Tankian.

"Ponemos tanta atención con nuestra mente q' estamos perdiendo el tacto con nuestra visión verdadera. Desde el momento en q' nos separamos de la tierra, como religión, nos convertimos muy lógicos y esclavos de nuestra mente."
>Serj Tankian.

"Me gustaria saber q' tenemos un grupo particular de personas q' aprecien verdaderamente lo q' hacemos, más q' sea un gigantesco grupo de gente q' nos conoce porq' nuestros videos salen en TV.
No quiero q' nuestra verdadera base de fans se mezcle con el ganado q' sigue lo q' está de moda."
>Serj Tankian.

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