domingo, 28 de enero de 2007

Daron Malakian Quotes

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"No tengas miedo de lo q' alguien va a pensar de ti.
La razon por la q' la gente dice q' nuestro sonido es tan real y diferente es por q' no tenemos miedo de hacer lo q' estamos haciendo."
>Daron Malakian.

"Hubo ocasiones en q' nos mirabamos y decíamos:'no te soporto'. Pero luego refleccionamos y nos dimos cuenta q' no tiene sentido alguno estar disgustados.
Ser una familia va como el decir q' somos una banda. Tenemos q' botar los egos para llegar a ser grandes.
Con la banda hemos estado a punto de separarnos varias veces, y cada vez q' lo superamos se siente q' somos más fuertes. Como un dolor q' te rompe la cabeza."
>Daron Malakian.

"como yo lo veo, hay q' darle a una canción como 9 meses de cuidado, para q' como un bebé se sienta terminada."
>Daron Malakian.

"Yo tenía ataques de pánico, veía psiquiatras, tenía mucho q' ver con ese negosio.
El arte y los negocios no se mezclan. La terapia no vale nada... uno va a un psiquiatra y lo único q' hacen es ponerte en medicamentos."
>Daron Malakian.

“I have no interest in murder, and I have no interest in people dying, ... But I'm interested in people's minds, and sometimes Manson puts thoughts together that I find really interesting. Have you ever seen his unedited videos? He starts making a lot of sense. I'm sure people are scared of that, but to me, it's scarier to watch George Bush try to make sense.”

“[As for the group's political bite, there's no greater example than the recent single, B.Y.O.B ., inspired by a TV ad for the Army.] It glamorized going into the Army, ... It made it look like a party where everybody was going to have a good time.”

“When we were a club band, we always used to say, 'Man, if we ever see success, we'd like to open doors for other people, to push the boundaries and fully contribute something to art, to music, that is going to help it evolve instead of doing stuff for the sake of money or doing stuff for the sake of being popular.”

“System of a Down are one of the most misunderstood bands around. I mean, Armenian rock? What the fuck is that? Political? I could name so many more of our songs that aren't about politics than ones that are. And for a long time, everyone thought Serj wrote all of our tunes. Until this album came out, people thought he wrote all the lyrics. So there are so many different misunderstandings of System of a Down that I don't even let it bother me anymore. I'm just kind of used to it. Our first bio said something like 'four guys based out of LA who are Armenian and political,' and, well, it wasn't really right at all. I mean, we are all Armenian, but we didn't plan that.”
“Back in the day, when the emperor or the king or whatever waged war, they went to war, too. But that's been lost in time.”
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“We don't belong to any one scene.”

“What we do is just all over. What [singer Serj Tankian] is playing on the keyboard sounds like the [Disneyland] Main Street Electrical Parade. I like it because we have never done anything like that before.”

“I played for about two seconds in the game. No one knew who I was. They were looking at me like, 'Who is this guy?' But I don't think that Frankie Avalon is the biggest System of a Down fan.”

“As a writer I kind of go crazy. I even had, like, at least 20 or 30 more songs to bring into the band. But we had to stop and get into the studio at some point.”

“It's important not to take yourself too seriously, ... and I think sometimes people take us a lot more seriously than we take ourselves, especially when it comes to politics. Politics, for me, is a reflection of the world I live in. But love is just as important as politics to me. They both exist in the world, you know? And if you don't reflect the entire world around you, then you're leaving something out.”

“I just wrote the song sitting in my car waiting for my girlfriend. That's about it, man. You will know what I mean when you hear the song.”
“We wanted to make a record that was a success beyond where we were at. All of my favorite bands evolved, and I really wanted our band to evolve.”

“They'd say, 'It kind of sounds like this,' or 'It kind of sounds like that,'”

“I feel like people have only heard half a record so far,”
"Mi punto con lo de Manson es q' al leer lo q' él a escrito te das cuenta q' hay un lado bueno en él, y no solamente el retrato de la maldad q' me han querido imponer. Yo también tengo un lado terrible. aunque lo mío no son los asesinatos."
>Daron Malakian.

"Me preocupo mucho de los muchachos, de saber q' darles en el momento correcto. No es faci estar en una banda, hay q' mirar siempre a tu hermano."
>Daron Malakian.

"Un montón de nuestro sentimiento es lo q' tratamos de traer a travéz de muestras emociones.
Tu eres humano, y experimentas más de una emoción.
Amas, odias, estás enojado, triste, hambriento, desensibilizado...
No queremos ser solo una banda de agresión. tendemos a ser persibidos de esa forma..."
>Daron Malakian.

"¿por qué la gente tiene q' categorizarlo?
NO somos solamente una banda política...
somos System Of A Down: 4 tipos armenios. no conozco ninguna banda como System Of A Down,"
>Daron Malakian.

"La categorización es muy frustrante. Se q' somos una banda Heavy en influencia, pero, sé...
...Hay algo en nuestro sonido q' nos hace diferentes a las otras bandas de metal... si es q' somos una banda de metal..."
>Daron Malakian.

"El Humor es gran parte de nuestra emoción. Si no hubiera odio, no habría amor... Si no Hubieran risas, no habrían llantos...
Todo es parte de todo."
>Daron Malakian.

"Estar en el escenario me lleva a un lugar totalmente diferente. Amo convertirme en esa persona diferente en el escenario. Otro lado entero de Daron sale.
En el escenario me expreso de formas q' nunca lo haría en un día común..."
>Daron malakian.
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"La gente no debería usar la televisión como su único origen de información.
Si tu usas la televisión para obtener tus noticias, estás en problemas (dirigiéndose al periodista).
Apaga la TV y ve adonde te llevan tus ideas.
No es la pistola lo q' es malo. es el hombre q' la usa quien hace el daño.
creo q' lo mismo podría decirse de la TV..."
>Daron Malakian.

"Basicamente a SOAD le gusta Joder las cosas y tener a la gente pensando.
Si tu puedes hacer q' la gente se ría, piense y llore... todo al mismo tiempo... Qué arte más genial!!!... y no digo q' mi arte sea genial.
Necesita hacerme sentir un montón de emociones..."
>Daron Malakian.

"Hay un montón de mierda mala en el mundo... pero esa no es una razón para dejar de vivir la vida..."
>Daron Malakian.

...y no necesariamente en un sentido político, pero sólo piensa libremente y piensa más."
>Daron Malakian.

"uso mi música como mi lienzo para pintar... Uso diferentes colores...
excepto q' los colores son sonidos, son notas..."
>Daron Malakian.

"hey little jack!"

"sitting in my room with a shotgun in my hand"

"is that god?"

"My parents were devil worshippers.."

"We're misguided adults helping misguided teenagers!"

"I wanna talk about porn"

"I jack off a lot"

"I feel like you're a cartoon! I cant help it,you're just so unreal!"

"I breakdance.."

"we're four Armenians,ARMENIANS ! what the fuck!"

"if someone said "you're music will live forever I'd be like, 'okay ' that's very fair to me"

"My guitars not working...I have nothing to do with this!"

"this sucks and so do we."

"I fucking hate equiptment ! I hate things that are not human."

"I like to play candyland."

"I like to see the stoned chinese guy."

"this song goes out to the girl with the bouncing tits!"

"because I take drugs!!"

"everyone in Holland is a junkie."

"that's what you get for smoking too much dope!"

"clap you hands for fun because this song is about a little bunny rabbit, and with this bunny rabbit we get to smoke pot, so give it up for pot, and with this bunny rabbit we get to drink beer, so clap your hands for beer!"

"I'm the guy that says sugar"

"do more drugs!drink a beer.Eat more pussy!"

"I like to watch retarded people have sex,am I alone?"

"fuck off I hate you,I hate everybody,eveybody should die"

"I'm Daron, I play guitar and sing sometimes"

"It's hot as hell here .Holland shouldnt be hot,It should be cold. it should always be cold in Holland."

"Fuck politics!Fuck religion!Fuck you're television!Someone say shut the fuck up Daron!"

"the only reticulated breathing I do is through a bong."

"you people are fuckin crazy!.....CRAZY! go crazy mother-fuckreeeeeeeee!"

"I don't know that guy onstage or were he comes from"

"thank you very much you motherfuckers"

"I love you fucking people even though I cuss at you a lot.I love you fucking people!"

"I'm so pissed off today,you don't even know it"

"this one is coming straight out of your fucking ass"

"we're not a polotical band....sometimes, we're not even a band"

"Everybody you lazy fucks!Everybody!Americans are so lazy!Clap your hands !"

"I'm an old sould when it comes to music"

"we've had shows where John played naked through the whole show"

"I'm gonna hurt the camera man tonite...."

"this song goes out to our grandparents"- souls 2004

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